electrical improver job

Chris Hamilton lands an Electrical Improver job

The staff at Electrical Courses would like to congratulate Christopher Hamilton (from Cambourne, Cambridgeshire) on  his first electrical improver job in the Electrical Industry. Chris was one of first Level 2 learners back in September 2013, who wanted to change careers from a job working on a zero hour contract at Dominos to become a qualified Electrician. Chris worked all hours at Dominos whilst working hard on his studies on the level 2 & 3 Diploma in Electrical Installations.

Chris knew that his goal of becoming a qualified electrician and getting an electrical improver job in the industry, would never be an easy target to achieve but he never let this phase him. He passed all his exams to the best of his ability, he was always sending out CVs and never gave up when he had no replies and he was always offering free work to friends and family on small Electrical jobs to give him the extra experience.

Good luck in your career Chris and we look forward to possibly seeing you back for the NVQ and Inspection and testing courses.

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